Funny Friday Memes Memes About School

30 Friday Memes That Will Have You Laughing Into the Weekend

These funny Friday memes will kick off your weekend with a much-deserved laugh.

Friday I Thought You Would Never Come, Getty Images, Getty Images

Funny Friday memes that make you laugh and say TGIF!

After a long week at work, nothing is more rewarding than that Friday feeling. You know the one. That feeling of relief, excitement, and sweet, sweet freedom. While Monday memes, Hump Day memes, good morning memes, and coffee memes surely give you the giggles, there's nothing like some good laughs at the end of the week. What better way to kick off the weekend than with the best memes? Swap out your jeans for sweatpants, let your hair down, grab your favorite snack, and get laughing at these funny Friday memes to start the weekend off right. Then, read these Friday quotes to help you have a great day.

I Can Smell The Weekend, Getty Images


And exhale all that negativity that can be put on hold until Monday. Don't miss these working-from-home memes that are hilariously accurate.

Friday Got Me Like, Getty Images

Strike a pose

Too cool for school. Check out these back to school memes that will crack you up before the big day.

Me And My Coworkers Leaving The Office On A Friday, Getty Images

See ya!

If you feel the urge to email, call, or text, please don't. Read up on these vacation memes you'll want to share with everyone you know.

That Its Friday And I Just Got Paid Look, Getty Images


I'll be getting the expensive wine this evening. If you're loving these "happy Friday" memes, check out these back to work memes that are just way too relatable.

When You Wake Up And Realize Its Friday, Getty Images

You're kidding!

It's finally here. After you read all the TGIF memes, don't miss these animal memes you'll laugh at every time.

When You Think Its Thurday But You Find Out Its Actually Friday, Getty Images

Sweet relief

We made it. Check out these marriage memes that every married couple can relate to.

Leaving Work On A Friday, Getty Images


As soon as the clock strikes 5, we let the weekend memes do the talking. These hilarious dog memes are about to make your day a whole lot better.

Its Friday, Getty Images


The best day of the week. Text your BFF these funny friend memes that will start off your weekend right.

Getting Ready For Friday Night, Getty Images

Time to prepare

How does this shade look? Don't forget to bookmark these funny thank you memes for every occasion.

Leaving Work On A Friday Like, Getty Images

Straight legs

And then pirouette. Get ready to fall for these pumpkin-spice-tacular fall memes.

When You Go To Sleep Friday Night Knowing You Dont Have To Get Up For Work The Next Day, Getty Images

Sweet dreams

The bed just seems even more cozy.

When Your Boss Asks You To Do Something At 5pm On A Friday, Getty Images


Don't you realize it's wine o'clock?

Raise Your Hand If You Love Fridays, Getty Images


But seriously, who doesn't?

Everything Can Wait Until Monday, Getty Images

It can wait

I got 99 problems, but they can all wait until Monday. Definitely one of the most relatable "happy Friday" memes on this list.

That Friday Glass Of Wine, Getty Images

Much deserved

It always just tastes a little bit sweeter. If you like to spend your Friday night with a book, check out these funny book memes that are all too relatable for bookworms.

Its Friday! Lets Get Out Of Here!, Getty Images

Au revoir!

It's just a hop, skip, and a jump to the bar.

Its Friday Time To Pawty, Getty Images

Raise the woof

The ulti-mutt end to a long week.

After Work On Friday, Getty Images

A beautiful feeling

It's going to be a good weekend, filled with great weekend memes.

Orange You Glad Its Friday, Getty Images

Eye roll

But I actually am feeling pretty glad.

Since Last Friday, Getty Images

So true

And I'll probably be excited again next Friday, too.

Hey There Friday, Getty Images

Where have you been?

Glad you finally decided to show up. These grammar memes will tickle you're—sorry, YOUR—funny bone!

Friday At 4.59pm, Getty Images

On your mark…

Get set…Go!

This Is My Friday Face, Getty Images


The most genuine of smiles.

Fresh Air Friday, Getty Images

Breathe it in

Deep breaths.

Wine Is Calling, Getty Images

Important phone call

Hello? Yes, I'll be there soon.

Friday I Thought You Would Never Come, Getty Images, Getty Images

Big hugs

But it always does. Try out these Halloween memes that will have you howling with laughter.

Hey Mom! I Can See Friday!, Getty Images

So close

It's coming!

Me Working On Friday, Getty Images


Excuse me, I have an important call.

Get In. Its Friday., Getty Images

Where to?

Hello, my name is Scruffy. I'm your Uber driver.

What I Really Do On Friday Nights, Getty Images

Netflix? Is that you?

The best kind of evening. Now that you've chuckled at all these funny Friday memes, check out these cat memes that will give you that pick-me-up you so need.


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